Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Rain

The rain has pretty much taken over. Although in Washington, that's pretty expected. I mean how else would we have such greenery around here right? When it comes to rain it's necessary for me to mentally establish the benefits of it, otherwise it just seems like a downer sometimes.

My tomato plants have been drowned by the rain. My pretty pretty, slow growing, single yielding, temperamental tomato plants are officially out for the count.


I had four plants all together. I had a pear, a roma, a steak and a cherry tomato plant.


These were my plants. . . oh how I'll miss them. I'm thinking next year I'm actually going to try to have a makeshift shelter, more of a home for them. But for this year, my garden is down to two cilantro plants......


  1. Mine were all taken in the rain as well! They all turned into rotten balls of mess quickly after the rain started, it was pretty sad, they were growing so well and there were still probably 50 or so that would have become good tomatoes if the rain would have stayed away a little longer!
