Alright so it's definitely been longer than forever. I have no excuse. For some reason once something happens and I miss one day, in my head I start going 'well I guess I can wait until this weekend' and then all the sudden that weekend passes. Then my mind goes at it again with something along the lines of 'it's been so long am I just suppose to pick up where I left off?' Blah!
I had an interesting weekend, fun, exciting, nerve wracking, scary, emotional, anger filled, embarrassing, encouraging, delightful and confusing kind of all mushed together. It didn't really stop at the weekend either it has filled today as well. I am hopeful that perhaps tomorrow will be a little more on the calm side, or maybe even just predictable. . . hmmm, nah I think I'll stick with hoping for calm.
I've almost completed my long over due task of sending off my oldest sisters gifts. It's taken forever but every time I think I have it all together I either add a little something or one of the girls does something that I'd like to send as well. I have officially put a deadline on it though. It is being sent out on Friday, no matter how many pictures need to be drawn or pictures need to be printed out or what ever. Friday, Friday, Friday! lol, and that is this Friday the 10th of December 2010, just in case my mind tries to make it next Friday or something.
I visited my sister this weekend, the middle sister. She looks pretty amazing. It's fascinating that you couldn't imagine someone being prettier and then they become pregnant and it's like a whole different kind of pretty. She's nesting like crazy and I just hope she gets some down time in between all her tasks. She's a busy bee.
I think I'm going to get a day planner and actually schedule out my days. I've realized that I don't like going months without talking to my sisters. Or going too long without having a playful day of photo taking with my girls. Or not having a date night in over 2 years. Or seeing friends in. . . well I can't even remember the last time. Or having HUGE gaps in my writing or blogging. I've begun to notice that I spend so much time wishing that I was closer with certain people or productive in the relationship rather than just doing it. could of, would of and should of are phrases that I'm going to try to weed out of my life.
:) Nice to see you online again! I saw a picture of you and Vera on Rhoni's blog. You are looking lovely yourself and Vera is so big!